The meeting of Kappa Omicron chapter of Alpha Phi Omega was called to order at 7:50 p.m. by President, Charles Lincoln.  The secretary's report was read and accepted.  John McCann told what had been done on projects for homecoming weekend - torches and thebonfire.

The idea of a suggestion box for APO was brought up but no discussion.

It was a discussion on helping local troops by giving them assistance on Monday nights or having specialist in some fields such as first aid or signaling go to their meetings.  No final decision was made.

We set up a meeting of November 18th as the date when Chief Warner would speak to us and show us a movie on the jamboree.

Our work for Campus Chest was brought up and also our outing for Armistice Day.

Dave Houston took the floor and told us more about ugly man on campus contest.  Now is the time to start preparing and getting behind it.

Movies followed the meeting.

Jim McCann had a pledge meeting prior to the meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m..

Respectfully submitted
Robert Mitchell

Next available meeting minutes